2019 Sessions

Social Justice & Racial Equity

Session Titles:


  2. The N Word and Blackfishing

  3. Blacks on Crack

  4. No One Can Say it Like You Can

  5. Intersectionality: Exploring Our Identities

  6. Understanding the System and Overcoming Barriers

  7. Screen Scholar – Rethinking How We Watch and Read Stories

  8. How to Protect Your Rights When Interacting with Police


Session Titles:

  1. Project TRUST: Youth Voices in Research Youth Participatory Action Research

  2. Organizing for Ethnic Studies in SPPS - Will you join us?

  3. Stereotype promise vs. Stereotype threat

  4. Overcoming Your Limiting Beliefs and Getting to Action

  5. Speak up, your voice matters!

  6. Boss Up

Building healthy communities

Session Titles:

  1. What does it mean to be American?

  2. She Asked For It!

  3. Can you feel me? (Creating Empathy to become a better leader and communicator)

  4. Conversations With black girls who rock

  5. Unchained:  Not My Government


Social Justice & Racial Equity

Session Title: The N Word and Blackfishing

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Session Description: We are want to discuss the history behind the ‘n word’ and why it’s not acceptable for people of a non-African American origin to say. We also want to talk about the controversy of blackfishing and why it’s also unacceptable and what we can do to address it.

Session Presenter(s): Paris Smoot, Thin Thin Khine, Sach’e Reid, Jabarri Scotti, Ashanti Williams


Session Description: To have a better understanding of how people have separated from each other by the socioeconomic class structure.

Session Presenter: Lori Vang

Session Title: No one can say it like you can

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Session Description: Annie Humphrey speaks, sings, laughs and inspires young people as they inspire her. This session will weave together words, poetry, song and music. The message is all about social, environmental and human justice.

Session Presenter: Annie Humphrey

Session Title: Blacks on Crack

Session Description: It is a session about how in the 1980s, the US government brought crack from Nicaragua and distributed it onto the streets of black majority areas, which eventually led to the extremely high crime rate in majority black communities.

Presenter(s): Abdinasir Adam, Nageyo Adam, Shuiab Ahmed, Sumaya Hassan

Session Title: Understanding the System and Overcoming Barriers

Session Description: In this session you will hear about how Jessica has utilized her voice, privileges, resources, and extra curriculars to understanding a dynamic non-profit private University so she could be heard to make changes.

Session Presenter: Jessica Yang

Session Title: Intersectionality: Exploring Our Identities

Session Description: This workshop will help attendees explore their personal + public identities and use their newfound understanding to fuel intentional interactions with their families, coworkers and peers. This workshop will also focus on movement-building through identity work, using Reviving the Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment and our sexual violence work as an example, along with Asma's involvement with Black Lives Matter Minneapolis. This session is meant to be interactive, so come prepared to have courageous conversations within your community!

Session Presenter: Asma Mohammed

Session Title: How to Protect Your Rights When Interacting with Police

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Session Description: During the course of this workshop, you'll briefly be introduced to the Juvenile Justice System in Minnesota, as we learn about the powers that each person in this system has. Then we'll learn about the power (or legal rights) you have, as an individual, when interacting with police or government officials. You'll learn how to assert these rights in order to put you in the best position possible to protect yourself legally and then we'll practice using these rights through various real-life examples

Session Presenter: Chelsea Schmitz

Session Title: Screen Scholar – Rethinking How We Watch and Read Stories

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Session Description: What makes the Mona Lisa more important to the history of art than a third grade drawing of an elephant? Is there a way to pitch a show you saw on Netflix you thought was worth sharing that was descriptive, measurable, and not just, "It was good, trust me"? What is the big picture point of knowing how to tell whether one TV show is worth watching over others?
Tri M. Vo thinks she has some clues into what he calls "commercial fiction literacy", which could also be described as being able to back yourself up when you're trying to prove to your friends that the show you watched isn't a waste of their precious time. There has been a lot of talk about representation on TV shows and movies, yet little has been said about how we make sure when an underrepresented group, for whatever reason, is written into a show as a visible character, that that character's identity and background is not only represented, but represented well.
As Hollywood and other global storytelling industries continue to figure out how to make the most money out of the trends we see in commercial fiction, whether we're looking at TV, movies, streaming, books, graphic novels, basically anything that includes characters and anything resembling a narrative plot, it is on us as consumers to know how to demand better of these industries. How our real-life identities and histories are written to life into these narratives are on the line and, whether we like it or not, the stakes are high.

Session Presenter: Tri Vo


Developing Leadership Style

Session Title: Boss Up

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Session Description: Nowaday everybody wants to be a boss. This session focuses on the inner tools you need to bring out the boss in you. Instead of looking externally on what everyone is doing to level up we will look internally to bring out the Boss in you. We will cover: What is self-love and why do I need it to be a Boss? We will briefly discuss race, being "average" and being a boss, fear, and tips becoming a Boss.

Session Presenter: Talea Plata

Session Title: Project TRUST: Youth Voices in Research Youth Participatory Action Research

Session Description: Come learn about youth participatory action research straight from the youth researchers. Students from three high school, Harding Senior High School, Open World Learning Community, and Creative Arts Secondary School, have been engaged in conducting research at their schools through Project TRUST. They will share their experiences in conducting research projects at their schools and will discuss the process of undertaking such action.

Session Presenter: James Brown, Treasure Hill, Saviour Johnson, Aleena Thor, William Wiliams, Mai Lee Yang

Session Title: Stereotype promise vs. Stereotype threat

Session Description: A student lead presentation on the description of Stereotype promises and threats through high schools, with interactive opportunities like sharing, and group ideas on how to raise awareness on the impacts of threats and promises as well as how to overcome your stereotype threat and atp into your promise.

Session Presenter: Dare 2 Be Real

Session Title: Organizing for Ethnic Studies in SPPS - Will you join us?

Join us as we work to center Ethnic Studies in our core curriculum in SPPS. We have seen Ethnic Studies create an increase in graduation rates, class participation, and positive school culture. Ethnic Studies is being implemented in school districts all over the country and Minnesota should be next.

Session Presenter(s): Student Engagement and Advancement Board members

Session Title: Speak up, your voice matters!

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Session Description: Have you ever wanted to try public speaking? If the answer is yes, maybe, not sure this is the workshop for you!
In this workshop we will get silly and comfortable in speaking in front of an audience. No matter if that audience is just close friends and family, in class with your peers or in an arena!
You will leave with some tips and tools to help you grab an audiences attention, and keep them captivated. You will have an opportunity to practice these skills, and make them work for you!

Session Presenter: Khadijah Cooper

Session Title: Overcoming Your Limiting Beliefs and Getting to Action

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Session Description:In this highly interactive workshop, you will be given the tools and time needed to overcome some of the limiting beliefs that hold you back from achieving more.Whether it is personal or professional, the process you will go through will challenge in new ways. You will become inspired to FIND YOUR TRUTH, rethink what is possible and move to action. if you can CHANGE YOUR STORY, you can CHANGE YOUR SITUATION.

Session Presenter: Donte Curtis


Building Healthy Communities

Session Title: What does it mean to be American?

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Session Description: What does it truly mean to be American; the majority of Americans have Multi-cultural and ethic backgrounds, this is important because the history of America is full of immigrant stories and backgrounds but recently because of our political climate Americans with Multi-cultural and ethic backgrounds don’t truly know if they feel like they can Identify as American. In my discussion I want to come to the goal we’re we feel comfortable to celebrate our individual culturals in our Americanism.

Session Presenter(s): Nathalia Grant, Hodan Hassan, Sahara Isse

Session Title: She Asked For It!


Session Description: This breakout is discussion based with questions and an activity on women’s sexual stigma, bring awareness of sexualization/current events of women. Meaning of consent, rape, and a better understanding of women’s rights.

Session Presenter(s): Jewels,
Asia, Bahja, Jihan, Erica, Cinthya
Leyla, Sequoia, Malcolm

Session Title: Conversations With black girls who rock

Session Description: Come and join the conversation! We'll talk about everything from self esteem, education, dating, identity, hip-hop, stereotypes, Socioeconomics, culture, diversity and inclusion, race (and if it really even matters today), and so much more. All are welcome to join this conversation to show your support for African American girls and girls world wide.

Session Presenter: Felicia Sherrod

Session Title: Can you feel me? Creating Empathy to become a better leader and communicator


Session Description: Empathy is the ability to understand and share feelings of another. Empathy can be developed and strengthened and in the process you can get more done with your teams and have productive and clear communications with others. In this breakout session you will learn how empathy can help you become a better leader and communicator. We will be using improvisation games and exercises to build our relating skills and have some good tools that you can take away and start being an empathetic leader today!

Session Presenter: Eric Colchin

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Session Title: Unchained:  Not My Government

Session Description: Do you have strong opinions on how your government works or doesn’t? During this session we will dive into the issue of the government shut down. There will be a chance to see different perspectives on this topic. The media talks about how this shut down is affecting Washington but let’s jump into how the Government shutdown is affecting you and your community.

Presenters: Cindy Nguyen & Rance Jones